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Automobile sheet metal painting

We offer not only parts replacement, but also higher grade automobile sheet metal painting and repair.

A 500-ton large frame correction machine that successfully corrects "twists" in the frames of trailers and large vehicles. The large wheel alignment tester, which instantly measures the "alignment" of the suspension. Hood and fenders are repaired by technically skilled person. It is the perfect symbiosis between craftsmanship and technology. We breathe new "life" into automobiles with the newest equipment and our experts.

Our skills①/Sheet metal repair

Sheet metal repair uses hammers and other equipment to repair dents.
It is difficult to completely restore a dented area to its original state, but our experts will determine how close to the original state it can be.

Our Skills②/Painting

After the sheet metal repair, it is time for painting. We promise a satisfactory finish from color adjustment to surface treatment as if the accident had never happened.