Technology and achievements cultivated over many years.
We provide comprehensive maintenance services ranging from general maintenance to vehicle inspections for all types of automobiles, from light vehicles to large and extra-heavy vehicles.
Today's automobiles are the culmination of cutting-edge technology, and it is our duty as mechanics to quickly diagnose and service any malfunctions in these vehicles.
Under the motto of "Technology is life and service is our mission," we are constantly working to improve and support our customers' valuable vehicles so that they can always be used in good condition.

Inspection and maintenance
From vehicle inspection and maintenance to general repairs for various conditions, we will not overlook even the smallest defect.
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ASV regulation, AEBS
calibrations are available for a wide range of vehicles from small cars to heavy trucks.
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DPR・DRF muffler wash
DPR/DPF muffler cleaning on diesel vehicles is well maintained with a dedicated machine.

Inspects various types of containers.

Inspection and maintenance of construction machinery and heavy equipment
We also handle special purpose vehicles and industrial vehicles that are used in industrial areas, construction sites, and all other types of sites.

Building mounting vehicles
Custom-made to your requirements and needs.